What Epic Account information does Epic share with other services?

Other services can request the following information associated with your account:

  • Your display name
    To learn how to review and update your display name, see How do I change my display name?
  • Your linked accounts
    You can review the accounts you have linked on the account management portal.
  • Your online status, which reflects whether you’re offline or online, and also gives the game you're currently playing with your Epic Account
  • List of your Epic friends who have also authorized this game to see them

You will be asked for explicit consent about each of these pieces of information before a product or service can receive access to them.

Why does Epic share this account information?

If you choose to use Epic Account sign-in for a non-Epic service, Epic shares account data on your behalf to:

  • Enable the application to authenticate you when using the application
  • Provide you with Epic’s social features in connection with the application
  • Assist you in making social connections across different applications

While the above describes why and how Epic will share your information, please be sure to carefully review each application's own privacy policy, and any other information they provide, to fully understand how the app will use your data.

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